
Goetze’s Caramel Creams Bulls Eyes Candy: 10LB Bag

Original price was: $82.50.Current price is: $41.25.

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SKU: 127033 Category:


We guarantee* that if you stick one of these Bull’s Eye Caramel Creams at the center of a target, the rate of perfect bull’s eyes would increase about tenfold! Why? Because everything about them is so wonderful, even the most inanimate of objects (such as arrows and darts) can’t help but be drawn to that sweet and fluffy cream center, wrapped within rich, chewy vanilla caramel! Experience the attraction of the caramel cream and see precisely why they’ve been a household name since 1918!

*We can’t actually guarantee this. We never actually managed to test the hypothesis, as people tend to finish off the caramel creams before ever making it to target practice. But we still think it’s a pretty valid postulate all the same.

There are approximately 40 pieces per pound.

Bag contains 10 pounds of Goetze’s Vanilla Caramel Creams Candy.

Made in the USA.


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